He was born on March 5, 1998 in Yardimli, Azerbaijan.
In 2015-2019, bachelor's degree in computer science at Baku State University.
Labor activity
In 2017, programmer at "GetnSmile" LLC,
In 2019-2021, programmer at "Edutech" LLC ,
In 2021-2022, senior PHP Developer at "Spryker company,
In 2022-2023, senior PHP Developer at "GPS Solutions" LLC,
In 2023-2024, senior Software Developer at the Dutch company "Cool Creations" LLC.
Since June 2024, he has been working as a lead backend developer in the Innovation division of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication.
He has experience in PHP, GO, Javascript, SQL, HTML&CSS, Devops, Git, Aws.
He is fluent in Azerbaijani, English, and Turkish.