AZ 1073, Baku city, Yasamal district, Gurban Khalilov 47

+99412 521 25 35

Article and Presentations

"The Metaverse in Trading"

"The Metaverse in Trading"

Aisha Iskanderli, Reform Volunteer of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communications, made a…

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An analysis of the Singapore economic development model

An analysis of the Singapore economic development model

Samaya Ibrahimova, Reform Volunteer of the Center for Analysis and Communication of Economic Reforms, made…

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National economic security

National economic security

Nigar Mirzayeva, Reform Volunteer of the Center for Analysis and Communication of Economic Reforms, made…

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Onlayn işə qəbul sistemi

Onlayn işə qəbul sistemi

İqtisadi İslahatların Təhlili və Kommunikasiya Mərkəzinin İslahat Könüllüsü Aytac Xuduyeva "Onlayn işə qəbul sistemi" mövzusunda…

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Hybrid work model

Hybrid work model

Faig Gahramanov, Reform Volunteer of the Center for Analysis and Communication of Economic Reforms, made…

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Boardless trade

Boardless trade

Badirkhan Sarukhanov, Reform Volunteer of the Center for Analysis and Communication of Economic Reforms, made…

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