On January 15, 2021, upon the initiative of the Reform Volunteers Organization, Vusal Gasimli, Executive Director of the CAERC, Doctor of Economics, had a meeting with volunteers on the topic "Azerbaijan's Economy: Challenges and Prospects". During the video conference, the volunteers shared their views on the topic with the Executive Director and addressed their questions.

Videoconference on “Azerbaijan’s Economy: Challenges and Prospects” Organized upon the Initiative of the Reform Volunteers Organization

Videoconference on “Azerbaijan’s Economy: Challenges and Prospects” Organized upon the Initiative of the Reform Volunteers Organization

Videoconference on “Azerbaijan’s Economy: Challenges and Prospects” Organized upon the Initiative of the Reform Volunteers Organization

Videoconference on “Azerbaijan’s Economy: Challenges and Prospects” Organized upon the Initiative of the Reform Volunteers Organization

Videoconference on “Azerbaijan’s Economy: Challenges and Prospects” Organized upon the Initiative of the Reform Volunteers Organization

Videoconference on “Azerbaijan’s Economy: Challenges and Prospects” Organized upon the Initiative of the Reform Volunteers Organization

Videoconference on “Azerbaijan’s Economy: Challenges and Prospects” Organized upon the Initiative of the Reform Volunteers Organization

Videoconference on “Azerbaijan’s Economy: Challenges and Prospects” Organized upon the Initiative of the Reform Volunteers Organization

Videoconference on “Azerbaijan’s Economy: Challenges and Prospects” Organized upon the Initiative of the Reform Volunteers Organization

Videoconference on “Azerbaijan’s Economy: Challenges and Prospects” Organized upon the Initiative of the Reform Volunteers Organization