The VII production experience at the Center for Analysis  of Economic Reforms and Communication (CAERC) has ended. "Graduation day" was organized in the center for the students of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASU), Baku Engineering University (BMU) and Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (AzMIU) who had internships at CAERC in February-May of this year.

Ramil Huseyn, deputy executive director of the Institute of International Trade and Industry, thanked the students and university representatives who participated in the internship program. Also, R. Huseyn spoke about the favorable environment created in the Center for increasing the knowledge and skills of students in economic, analytical and other fields, and gave detailed information about the "Economic Reforms" magazine, where scientific and analytical articles of young researchers are published.

Ismet Mehraliyeva, head of the Organization of Reform Volunteers of CAERC, spoke about the activities of production interns, trainings organized within the "Personal Development Program", research and presentations conducted by interns. He noted that students' articles and presentations, as well as their electronic certificates, are posted on the website

Later, Sabina Aliyeva, Head of Internship Department of ASOSU, Khanlar Ganiyev, Head of Internship and Career Department of AzMIU, and Hasi Gasimov, Head of Internship Department of BMU, presented proposals for future cooperation.

At the end, the students who successfully completed the internship were awarded with certificates, and the outstanding students were awarded with letters of appreciation.